Open shipping container and check for shipping
damage. Report any damage immediately to your
distributor and shipping agent. Do not discard any
shipping material until the Turret Mill is assembled
and running properly.
Compare the contents of your container with the
following parts list to make sure all parts are intact.
Missing parts, if any, should be reported to your
distributor. Read the instruction manual thoroughly
for assembly, maintenance and safety instructions.
Contents of the Shipping Container
Note: Some parts may be pre-installed on the mill.
1 Turret Mill (not shown)
1 Flat Way Cover
1 Pleated Way Cover
1 Draw Bar
3 Table Adjustment Handles
1 Tool Box, containing:
1 Hex Key Set (1.5-10mm) *
1 17/19mm Box Wrench *
1 Cross Point Screw Driver #2 *
1 Flat Blade Screw Driver #2 *
1 Plastic Oil Bottle *
1 Elevating Crank Handle
1 Handwheel
1 Coarse Feed Handle
1 Can White Touch Up Paint
1 Eye Bolt
1 Operator’s Manual (not shown)
1 Warranty Card (not shown)
* parts with an asterisk are also included in the
tool box service kit, p/n JTM4VS-TB.
Figure 1
Read and understand the entire contents of this manual before attempting set-up or
operation! Failure to comply may cause serious injury.
If your mill is supplied with an optional Table Powerfeed and/or DRO, be sure to consult the separate instruction
materials that accompany them.