Saving White Balance Settings Using your Camera
You can save the current camera-generated White Balance setting. When you save using
this method, the setting for the current image is not overwritten the next time you use the
setting from the current image (page 6-4).
Alternatively, you can save settings using the included Photo Desk software. Refer to the
Photo Desk documentation for instructions on saving the settings using the software.
1 Capture an image with a neutral
area (such as a gray or white
card) in the center.
2 With the Custom WB Menu
displayed, choose Save (Image
This screen appears.
3 Press the OK button to save the
setting or press the Cancel
button to return to the White
Balance Settings menu without
If you save the setting, it will
appear on the White Balance
Settings and the Delete White
Balance Settings menus the next
time you view them.