PC Card
Using a PC Card
As you capture images, they are stored on a PC Card (PCMCIA card). Before capturing
images, you may want to make a few preparations so that the images will be stored
according to your needs. This chapter describes the use of the PC Card and provides
instructions for storing images.
PC Cards
Your KODAK PROFESSIONAL DCS 700 Series Digital Camera accepts Type I, Type II,
or Type III PC Cards which are compatible with the PCMCIA-ATA interface standard.
Most hard disk drive and flash memory cards may be used. Hard disk drive cards will hold
more images and are usually faster than flash memory cards, but flash memory cards are
more rugged.
☛ PC Cards must be ATA-compatible.
Use extreme care when handling PC Cards, as they are easily damaged. If
dropped, a PC Card may be destroyed, resulting in the loss of all data on the card.
Do not remove a PC Card from the camera while the Card Present icon on the
Back Status LCD panel or the Card Busy LED inside the Battery/PC Card door
are blinking. The blinking indicates that data is being read from or written to the
PC Card. You may lose data if you remove a card at this time.