Get Started
NMS300 Network Management System Application
3. Under Account Information, click the Edit Account link.
4. Modify the information as needed.
5. Click the Submit button.
Your account information is updated.
Add a User Profile to the User Base
The application provides the following default user security profiles:
• Admin. A user who can perform all functions of the application, including management of
users and security profiles.
• Operator. A user who can manage the network functions, but cannot manage users or
security profiles, or perform administrative tasks.
• Observer. A user who can only monitor and view network functions.
As an admin user
, you can modify and delete these security profiles and you can define new
security profiles. For example, you can add a security profile for someone who can only run
and view network reports but is not authorized to perform any other tasks. For more
information, see the
NMS300 Network Management System
Application User Manual.
To add a user profile:
1. Log in to the application.
For more information, see Log In to the Application on page 12.