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Using Camera Control Pro
Camera Control Pro 2
Saving and Loading Camera Control Settings
The Camera Control Pro option in the Set tings menu is used to save Camera Con-
trol Pro set tings and to load and apply previously saved settings.
Load Control
Select this item to load camera settings previously saved us ing Save Control Set-
tings… (see be low). A dialog will be dis played where you can navigate to the drive
(vol ume) and di rec to ry con tain ing the desired set tings fi le (only fi les with the exten-
sion “.ncc” will be dis played; choose settings created with the camera currently con-
nected). The settings in the Cam era Con trol Pro window will in stant ly re vert to the
saved settings. Bracketing settings are not aff ected.
Save Control
Select this item to save the settings in the Camera Control Pro window to a named
fi le. These settings can later be recalled using Load Control Settings…. Choos ing
Save Control Settings… displays a di a log where you can choose a des ti na tion and
fi le name for current camera settings. Camera Control Pro set tings are saved with the
ex ten sion “.ncc”. Note that bracketing settings, non-CPU lens settings, and changes
to settings for the current Picture Control are not saved.