Chapter 4 Adjustments and Settings for Recording
Chapter 4 Adjustments and Settings for Recording 4-9(E)
1A A
30 F5.6
0dB 1/125
4-4 Viewfinder Screen Status Display
Besides the video image, the viewfinder can display
text and messages showing the camera settings and
operation status, as well as items such as a center
marker or safety zone marker.
When the DISPLAY switch is set to ON, items set to
ON using the VF DISPLAY page of the OPERATION
menu or related switches will be displayed on the
upper and lower edges of the screen. Also, messages
informing of setting values or adjustment progress and
results may be displayed for approximately three
seconds when settings are changed, or during the
process of or after adjustment.
4-4-1 Organization of Viewfinder Screen Status Display
1 Zoom position
Indicates the approximate position of the zoom lens
variator between wide angle (0) and telephoto (99).
Shows how close it is to the telephoto side.
2 Lens extender
“EX” is displayed when a lens extender is in use.
3 D5600K mode
Displayed when D5600K is set to ON.
4 Filter display
Displays the type of filter currently selected. The
number (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) indicates the ND filter, and the
letter (A, B, C, D or E) is for the CC filter.
5 White balance memory display
Displays the currently selected white balance
automatic adjustment memory.
W:A: The WHITE BAL switch is set to “A”.
W:B: The WHITE BAL switch is set to “B”.
W:P: The WHITE BAL switch is set to “PRST”.
All the items which may be displayed on the
viewfinder screen are located as shown in the figure
About display item selection see “4-6-1 Selecting Display
Items” on page 4-16(E), and about marker display settings
see “4-6-3 Setting Marker Display” on page 4-18(E).
1 Zoom position
4 Filter
7 Focus position
8 Battery voltage
9 F value
0 Tape remaining
5 White balance memory
Setting change / adjustment process
message area
This area is only used when the
MESSAGE item on the VF DISPLAY page
of the OPERATION menu is set to ON.
6 Gain value
3 D5600K mode
2 Lens extender
qa Shutter/EVS