User’s Manual >>
Installing Photo Express
Photo Express is complete photo project software for digital images. The
step-by-step workflow, visual program interface, and in-program help assist users in
creating exciting photo projects. Acquire digital photos effortlessly from digital
cameras or scanners. Organize them conveniently with the Visual Browse mode.
Use hundreds of ready-to-use templates such as albums, cards, posters, slideshows,
and more. Edit and enhance images with photo editing tools, photographic filters,
and special effects. Embellish projects by adding creative design elements such as
frames, callouts, and stamp objects. Share results with family and friends via e-mail
and multiple print options.
Installing Photo Explorer
Photo Explorer provides a simple and efficient way to transfer, browse,
modify and distribute digital media. Acquire photos, video or sound clips from
various digital device types and easily browse or add personal descriptions; make
timely modifications; or distribute the media through the medium of your choice: E-
mail, Print, Slideshow Presentations. It is an indispensable all-in-one tool for owners
of digital cameras, WebCams, DV camcorders, scanners, or anyone who strives to
effectively organize a large collection of digital media.
To install Photo Explorer:
1. Insert the CD-ROM that came with the ViviCam 8300s into your CD-ROM drive.
The welcome screen appears.
2. Click “INSTALL PHOTO EXPLORER 8.0”. Follow the on-screen instructions to
complete the installation.
For more information about the operation of Photo Explorer
application software, refer to its respective help documentation.
For Windows 2000/XP users, please make sure to install and use
the Photo Explorer in “Administrator” mode.
Photo Explorer is not supported on the Mac. iPhoto or iPhoto2 is