110 Index
Edge Smoothing setting
color management, 51, 55, 58, 59
Macintosh, 32
Windows, 23
Electronic manual, 10 to 11
Energy Star compliance, 105
Enhanced Matte Paper, 14, 34
Envelopes, 15, 21, 27, 29, 34, 95
help, 102
MonitorIV, 31
papers, 14, 34, 43
PhotoCenter, 9
Print CD, 65 to 76
SoundAdvice, 102
Store, 82
warranty, 107 to 108
Exif Print
description, 9
printing with, 42
Expansion setting, 27, 44, 46, 47
Extension setting, 27, 95
Faint images, 96
FCC Compliance Statement, 106
Features, 7
Flip Horizontal setting, 99
Gamma setting, 97
Gloss Optimizer
cartridge, 7, 81
setting, Macintosh, 32
Gloss setting, Windows, 21
Grainy prints, 96
Head Cleaning utility, 79 to 80
Epson, 102
see also Troubleshooting
High Speed setting, 94 to 95
ICM (Image Color Matching) setting, 24, 55,
characters, 100
colors, 56, 96
margins, 100
Ink cartridge
level of ink in, 22, 30, 81
ordering, 81 to 82
problems, solving, 91, 93
replacing, 80 to 85
safety instructions, 82, 105
Ink level, checking
Macintosh, 30, 81
Windows, 22, 81
Installation problems, 93
Inverted image, 99
Jams, paper, 91, 97 to 98
Layout problems, 100
Layout settings
Macintosh OS 9.x, 30
Macintosh OS X, 27
Windows, 24
Letterhead, 14
Lights, 12, 91 to 92
Luster Photo Paper, 14, 34, 36, 38, 40