Medium format photography is about
professionalism. Camera systems have to be
professional, handling has to be professional and
captures have to be professional in quality.
Hasselblad knows it and delivers it; professionals
know that too.
The Hasselblad H series of cameras consists of building new
developments on the shoulders of the previous generation.
In this way all the previous work-experience based and
branch-demanding features are automatically included. So,
just when you think things can't get much better, they do.
And the H5D is that model - all the good things from before
and then some!
The H5D series heralds a step up that is noticeably greater
than before. There are changes and many are 'from the
ground up'. The H spirit thrives but has now matured to
reinforce further its position in the rapidly changing world of
digital imaging. Future proofing is key to a secure placing for
working photographers. The H5D provides a reliable
connection to the fleeting environment of digital imaging
technology so when the wind changes direction, the H5D
remains as the safeguarding companion to provide support.
There are five models to choose from to suit the varied
demands from the professional world. They start with the
entry level 40 MPixel model that right from the outset
confidently takes on most rivals from all brands and beats
them with star quality results. The models then just get
better and better. At the other end of the scale is the 200
MPixel MultiShot model that raises the bar so much for
product work that it is in a league of its own.
True to Hasselblad philosophy, interchangeability and
versatility span all models regarding lenses and accessories
with minimal restrictions. This applies not only to H5 but all
H1, H2, H3 and H4 models as well. The H system additionally
breaks rank regarding series limitations with the ability to use
other lenses from the V system or when using the sensor unit
on view cameras. In short, you have access to a more
comprehensive world to apply medium format quality to.
Hasselblad's best kept secret is knowing that every link in the
chain that leads to the page in the magazine has to reach a
certain standard; it is that simple. That's why Hasselblad
spends so much time and energy into checking those almost
endless behind-the-scenes details and standards because
they understand this simple concept. There is no magical
formula to Hasselblad success other than an understanding
of what is required to produce the best results available in
the world today and an acceptance that there are no short
cuts in this process. Hasselblad does its best to produce the
best; there is no other way to achieve the Hasselblad star