
Automatic exposure provides a choice of two ways of con-
trolling shutter speed and aperture settings semi-auto-
matically and two ways fully automatically:
Aperture priority: A - The aperture is manually chosen
by you by turning the front scroll wheel, and the shutter
speed is automatically chosen by the camera.
Shutter priority: S - The shutter speed is manually cho-
sen by you by turning the front scroll wheel, and the aper-
ture is automatically chosen by the camera.
Programmed: P - In this mode, an aperture / shutter
combination is chosen by the camera according to the
EV measured (metering method remains as your choice),
though only within pre-set appropriate limitations to suit
various requirements and applications.
Programmed variable: Pv - This mode is very similar to
Programmed, except with the additional parameters of lens
focal length being automatically taken into account. For ex-
ample, long shutter speeds will automatically be avoided
with a long focal length lens.
In Automatic mode the front scroll wheel selects alternative
aperture /shutter combinations while maintaining the same
EV and the rear scroll wheel alters the amount of exposure
compensation. The compensation appears as a +/- symbol
on the grip display and viewfinder display (illus. 4).
Variations (chosen by using the front scroll wheel) from the
specific combination selected by the P or Pv mode are sig-
nified by a double arrow symbol appearing between the ap-
erture and speed settings (illus. 5) on the grip display. These
new variations provide the correct exposure but in different
Aperture and shutter speed settings can both be changed
even while the busy light on sensor unit is flashing.
Though a histogram shows you when some of your pixels
are overexposed, it does not tell you which ones. In a shot
with many bright areas, it can be hard to know whether the
key parts of your image are just bright or completely overex-
posed. To help you find them, the H5D can provide an over-
exposure indicator, which shows precisely which areas of
your shot are overexposed (i.e., pixels that are at maximum
brightness, thereby eliminating details).
When enabled, the overexposure indicator flashes the over-
exposed pixels from black to white.
This feature is accessible via the P1 or P2 buttons.