Picture Naming Conventions
Still pictures are named DCP_nnnn.JPG or DCP_nnnn.TIF, where nnnn
represents a picture number between 0001 and 9999. Pictures are numbered
in the order in which they are taken. For example, the first picture in the
\DCIM\100K4800 folder is DCP_0001.JPG. The camera maintains a count of
the number of pictures taken, which is used to determine the number of the
next picture taken.
Burst pictures (still pictures taken in rapid succession when the camera is in
Burst Mode) are named Bmm_nnnn.JPG, where mm is a burst number from
00 to 99, and nnnn is a sequence number within the burst.
Even if you transfer pictures to the computer or delete pictures from
the Picture Card, the camera uses consecutive numbers for all
subsequent pictures. For example, if the last picture taken was
DCP_0007.JPG, the next picture is DCP_0008.JPG.
The nnnn sequence number for a burst continues in the same way. A
burst of four pictures taken after DCP_0008 are named B01_0009
through B01_0012.
When you insert a different Picture Card into your camera, the next
picture number is derived by incrementing the higher of the last
picture taken by the camera, or the highest existing picture number in
the folder on the card.
When you insert the Picture Card into a different DC4800 camera, the
next picture number is derived by incrementing either the highest
existing picture number or the highest picture number previously
taken by that camera.
After you take picture DCP_9999.JPG in the \DCIM\100K4800 folder,
subsequent pictures appear in a new folder (\DCIM\101K4800) on
the Picture Card, beginning with picture DCP_0001.JPG.