Konica Minolta X50 Digital Camera User Manual

5 8 14 68
11 17 27 99
21 31 47 148
Approximate number of images that can be stored on a 16MB memory card.
2560 X 1920 2048 X 1536 1600 X 1200 640 X 480
2.4MB 1.6MB 1.0MB 200KB
1.2MB 820KB 520KB 130KB
650KB 440KB 290KB 90KB
Approximate file sizes.
The frame counter indicates the approximate number of images that can be stored on the
memory card at the camera’s image quality and size settings. Because the counter uses
approximate file sizes, the actual image taken may not change the counter or may decrease it
by more than one. When the frame counter displays zero, it indicates no more images at the
image size and quality settings can be captured. Changing those settings may allow more
images to be saved to the card.
Camera Notes
Black & White
The color mode controls whether an image is color or black
and white. The color mode is set in section 3 of the still-
image recording menu or in section 2 of the movie/audio
recording menu (p. 40). The color mode cannot be changed
with digital subject programs. The color mode can be
assigned to the controller (p. 45).
The black & white mode produces neutral monochrome
images. Sepia creates warm-tone monochrome images. The
monitor live image reflects the selected color mode. The
color option uses no monitor indicator when active. The
color mode has no effect on image file size.