The type of movie recorded can be selected from the following options:
Option Description
TV movie
Movies are recorded at a rate of 15 frames per second, with sound
recorded via built-in microphone. Vertical interlacing is used to
achieve a size of 640 × 480 pixels, suitable for television playback.
Maximum length for TV movies is 70 s.
Small movie
(default option)
Movies are recorded at a rate of 15 frames per second, with
sound recorded via built-in microphone. Each frame has a size of
320 × 240 pixels. Maximum length for small movies is 180 s.
Camera takes still pictures at specifi ed intervals and joins these
frames together to create silent movie with frame rate of 30 frames
per second. Resulting movie may be up to 60 s long. Use to cre-
ate time-lapse movies of slow processes that can be fi lmed without
moving the camera: a fl ower opening, a butterfl y emerging from its
cocoon, clouds moving across the sky, etc.
Movie Files
Movies are recorded as Quick Time movie fi les with the extension “.MOV” and can be
played back on a computer after transfer.
To choose the type of movie that will be recorded:
TV movie
Small movie
Time-lapse movie
Highlight option (press button to
exit without changing settings).
TV movie
Small movie
Time-lapse movie
Display MOVIE menu.
Return to shooting mode (if Time-
lapse movie is selected, menu of time-
lapse movie options will be displayed;
see following page). Record movie as
described on previous page.