
Viewing Pictures on the Camera
More on Playback
Copies are stored as fi les with names of the form “SSCNnnnn.JPG,” where
nnnn” is a four-digit number assigned by adding one to the largest fi le
number in the current folder. Copies are independent of the originals: delet-
ing the copy has no effect on the original, deleting the original no effect on
the copy. Copies are created with the same transfer marking and date and
time of recording as the original; print and protect attributes are not set.
Copies can not be viewed using playback zoom
Creating Small Copies: Small Picture
In full-screen playback, you can press the ( ) button to create a small
copy of the current picture. Depending on the option selected for Small
pic in the playback menu ( 115), copies will be 640 × 480, 320 × 240, or
160 × 120 pixels in size. Copies have an image quality of BASIC, making
them ideal for distribution by e-mail or for use in web pages.
small picture file ?
Ye s
Confi rmation dialog displayed.
Ye s
small picture file ?
Highlight Yes (to exit without creat-
ing small copy, highlight No and press
center of multi selector).
Create copy and
return to full-screen
To view the copy, use the multi selector
to scroll to the last picture in memory.
When viewed on the camera, copies
are surrounded by a gray border.
Restrictions on Small Picture
Copies can only be created when suffi cient space is available on the memory card.
Copies can not be created in quick review or full-frame review. Copies can not be
created from movies, from other small pictures, or from pictures taken at Ultra HS,
an image quality of HI, or an image size of
2592 × 1728. You may not be able to
create copies from pictures taken with another model of camera.
Viewing Small Picture Files on Other Camera Models
Small copies may not display or transfer correctly on other camera models.