Transferring flies to your cornutpute_forWindows)
For Windows users
Transfer files by connecting your camera to your PC.
[] Installing programs
Hardware and software requirements
lntel® Pentium®4 3.2 GHz or higher
AMD Athlon TM FX 2.6 GHz or higher
512 MB or more (1 GB or more recommended)
Windows XP/Vista/7
- USB port
- CD-ROM drive
- nVtDIA Geforce 7600GT orhigher
Ati X1600 series or higher
...............................................................1024 X 768 pixels, 16-bit color display compa%le
.....................................................................................................................................screen (1280 X 1024 pixels, 32-bit color display
- Microsoft DirectX 9.0c or later
e Using aself-assembled PC or a PC and OSthat arenot supported
may voidyourwarranty.
• The programsmay notwork properly on 64-bit Edition ofWindows
XP,Vista, and7.
• Intelti-studiomay not perform correctlyonsome computers,even
when the computer meets the requirements.
• Ifyour computerdoes notmeet the requirements, videos may not
playcorrectly or itmay take longer toedit videos.
• InstallDirectX 9.Ocor above before you usethe program.