Advanced Operations
• When using a DSLR-A900, DSLR-A850, SLT-A99V/SLT-A99, SLT-A77V/
SLT-A77, SLT-A65V/SLT-A65, SLT-A57, SLT-A37, NEX-7 or NEX-6
camera, you can use HVL-F56AM or HVL-F36AM flashes as off-camera
flashes. Set the controller flash mode to [CTRL]. HVL-F56AM and HVL-
F36AM off-camera flashes are recognized as being in the REMOTE group, so
you can only control the lighting ratio of up to 2 groups using this flash unit, an
HVL-F43AM or an HVL-F58AM as the controller. For more details on setting
the controller flash mode, see “Setting wireless control flash mode [WL CTRL]”
in “MENU settings” (page 92).
• For wireless flash photography with lighting ratio control, the overall lighting
ratio is shown by the wireless lighting ratio control indicator on the LCD panel.
When a display is [4:2:1], the flash of each group fires with power level of 4/7, 2/7 and
1/7 of the whole.
1 Set the camera, flash (controller), and flash (off-camera
flash) to wireless flash.
Camera Setting:
Set the flash mode to wireless (WL).
For details, refer to the operating instructions supplied with your camera.
Controller Setting:
1 Press the MODE button to bring up the MODE
screen and select [WL CTRL].
2 Press the Fn button to display the Quick Navi
screen and press the control wheel up, down, left or
right to select the wireless control setting indicator.