Setting the time until power save in wireless operation
Setting values: 60 MIN, OFF
[60 MIN] : changes to power save mode after 60 minutes.
[OFF] : disables power save mode.
Setting the unit of the distance indicator [m/ft]
Setting values: m, ft
m: unit is meters
ft: unit is feet
Changing the size of the power level setting steps (0.5 or
Setting values: 0.3 EV, 0.5 EV
[0.3 EV]: Power level is changed in steps of 0.3
[0.5 EV]: Power level is changed in steps of 0.5
0.3 EV steps
Press right on the control wheel or rotate it clockwise
(to increase the power)
1/256 → 1/256 (+0.3) → 1/256 (+0.7) → 1/128 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
1/4 (+0.7) → 1/2 → 1/2 (+0.3) → 1/2 (+0.7) → 1/1
Press left on the control wheel or rotate it anti-clockwise
(to reduce the power)
1/256 ← 1/128 (-0.7) ← 1/128 (-0.3) ← 1/128 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
1/2 (-0.3) ← 1/2 ← 1/1 (-0.7) ← 1/1 (-0.3) ← 1/1
0.5 EV steps
Press right on the control wheel or rotate it clockwise
(to increase the power)
1/256 → 1/256 (+0.5) → 1/128 → 1/128 (+0.5) ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
1/4 (+0.5) → 1/2 → 1/2 (+0.5) → 1/1