Cisco Systems CTSATPSX204XK9 Security Camera User Manual

D14908.01 SX20 Administrator Guide (TC5.1) | 2012 FEBRUARY | © 2012 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cisco TelePresence SX20 Quick Set
Set the VLAN voice mode.
Requiresuserrole: ADMIN
Valuespace: <Auto/Manual/Off>
Auto: The Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP), if available, assigns an id to the voice VLAN. If
CDP is not available, VLAN is not enabled. The VLAN Voice Mode automatically will be set to
Auto when the GUI is used to set the Provisioning Mode to CUCM.
Manual: The VLAN id is set manually using the Network VLAN Voice VlanId setting. If CDP is
available, the manually set value will be overruled by the value assigned by CDP.
Off: VLAN is not enabled.
Example: Network 1 VLAN Voice Mode: Off
Set the VLAN voice ID. This setting will only take effect if VLAN Voice Mode is set to Manual.
Requiresuserrole: ADMIN
Valuespace: <1..4094>
Range: Select a value from 1 to 4094.
Example: Network 1 VLAN Voice VlanId: 1
Table of contents
Web interface
Advanced settings
Advanced settings