78 XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised January 2007
OPTIONS The following options are supported:
-c assign Disconnects a configured XSB from its domain configuration and
assigns it to the domain configuration of the move destination. If
the -c option is omitted, '-c configure' is used.
-c configure Disconnects a configured XSB from its domain configuration and
configures it in the domain configuration of the move
destination. If the -c option is omitted, '-c configure' is used.
-c reserve Reserves disconnection of an XSB from its current domain
configuration, and reserves assignment of the XSB to the domain
configuration of the move destination. If the -c option is
omitted, '-c configure' is used.
-d domain_id Specifies the ID of the destination domain in which an XSB is to
be configured or to which it is to be assigned. domain_id can be
0–23 depending on the system configuration.
-f Forcibly detaches the specified XSB.
Note – If the -f option is used to forcibly remove the XSB from
the source domain, a serious problem may occur in a process
bound to CPU or process accessing a device. For this reason, use
of the -f option is not recommended in normal operation. If the
-f option must be specified, verify the statuses of the source
domain and job processes.
-h Displays usage statement. When used with other options or
operands, an error occurs.
-n Automatically answers 'n' (no) to all prompts.
-q Suppresses all messages to stdout, including prompts.
-v Specifies verbose output. If this option is specified with the -q
option, the -v option is ignored.
-y Automatically answers 'y' (yes) to all prompts.