Fujitsu M9000 Security Camera User Manual

360 XSCF Reference Manual Last Revised January 2007
EXAMPLE 2 Displays the degradedunits. Inthis example,a memorymodule ona mem-
ory board is degraded because of an error.
EXAMPLE 3 Displays the degraded units. In this example, a CPU memory unit and
memory module on a motherboard unit are degraded because of an error.
EXAMPLE 4 Displays the degraded units. In this example, a CPU memory unit is de-
graded because a crossbar unit is degraded.
EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned:
XSCF> showstatus
* MEM#0A Status:Faulted;
XSCF> showstatus
MBU_B Status:Normal;
* MEMB#1 Status:Deconfigured;
* MEM#3B Status:Deconfigured;
XSCF> showstatus
MBU_B Status:Normal;
* CPUM#1-CHIP#1 Status:Deconfigured;
* XBU_B#0 Status:Degraded;
0 Successful completion.
>0 An error occurred.