System Administration 73
In EXAMPLE 3, the list command is used to display the connections between
External I/O Expansion Units and downlink cards in the host. IOX@0033 (which
includes boats, uplink cards, and power supplies) is connected to the host through
two downlink cards. The Link 0 column shows which host downlink card is
attached to boat0. The Link 1 column shows which host downlink card is
attached to boat1. IOX@12B4 is connected to the host through one downlink card.
This card is connected to boat1. A dash (–) shows that there is no host link
connection to the box. It may have a boat and uplink card installed in the bay, or the
bay could be empty. If the boat is installed, either it is not connected to the host, or
the host downlink card slot is powered off.
EXAMPLE 4 Displaying a Single External I/O Expansion Unit
EXAMPLE 5 Displaying a Single External I/O Expansion Unit Using Verbose Output
EXAMPLE 6 Displaying a Downlink CardUsing Hostpathin VerboseMode With Head-
ers Suppressed
EXAMPLE 7 Powering On the Locator LED for Power Supply 0 in External I/O Expan-
sion Unit 12B4
EXAMPLE 8 Displaying Locator LED Status for the External I/O Expansion Unit
If the FRU service indicator is already on due to a detected fault condition, only the
box locator LED will be set to fast.
XSCF> ioxadm list iox@12B4
IOX Link 0 Link 1
IOX@12B4 - IOU#1-PCIE#2
ioxadm -v list IOU#1-PCI#1
Location Type FW Ver Serial Num Part Num State
IOX@A3B5 IOX 1.4 CP0001 5016937-01 On
IOX@A3B5/PS0 A195 - PS0001 3001701-02 On
IOX@A3B5/PS1 A195 - PS0001 3001701-02 On
IOX@A3B5/IOB1 PCIE - PCIE01 5016939-01 On
IOX@A3B5/IOB1/LINK CU 1.2 CU0001 5017041-03 On
IOU#1-PCI#1 CU 1.2 CU0001 5017041-03 On
XSCF> ioxadm -p -v list IOU#2-PCIE#1
IOU#2-PCIE#1 OP 1.1 IL0542 5404321-01 on
XSCF> ioxadm locator on iox@12B4/ps0
XSCF> ioxadm locator iox@12B4
Location Sensor Value Resolution Units