Accessory Order Form for
RCA Camcorder Model CC285
Lens Care Kit
SoB Camcorder Case
Special Effect Lens Kit
Deluxe Tripod
VHS Head Cleaner
Rechargeable Long@lay
Synchro Edit Cable
Battery Connector
Rechargeable Battery
Reehargeable Battery
AC Adapter/Charger
RF Output Adapter
Remote Record Stop/Start
Switch (available 3/1/89)
I)12 (Banery) Car Cord
Y-Adapter Power Cable
Dual-Well AC Adapter/Charger
Slide Adapter
Lens Extender (Telephoto)
Audio/Video Input Cable
Portable DC Light
Character Generator/Titler
Wide Angle Lens
Wireless Microphone System
Audio/Video Output Cable
Model Price
Nil. Each*
AC026 $ 995
AC028 $ 8995
AC029 $ 5995
AC031 $ 99.95
AV009W $ 14.95
AV046 $124,95
AVS0 n) $ 3995
BCC030 $ 1995
BP96FS $ 6995
BP96FL $ 9999
CPS08 $18995
CRF030 $ 49.95
CRM020 $ 34.95
I)CC09b $ 69.95
DCY010 $ 1495
DWC010 $199.95
FSA036A $119.95
LXI52A $139.95
VAAO04 $ 25.95
VDC050 $ 99.95
VTU090 $149.95 !
WAL01A $139 95
WM002 $15995
194128 $ 3061)
*Prices are subject to change without notice
Total Merchandise
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Shipping and Handling ........
Total Amount Enclosed
Use VISA or Master_'ard prel_rably. Money older or
check must be in U S currency only. No COD t,r
Qty, Amounl
S .95
8 3.00
Allow 8 weeks tbr delivery
All accessories are subject to availability
Where applicable, we will ship a super,eding nu_del
Please complete other side also
To order the RCA video accessories described in
the Owner's Manual, contact your local RCA
Video Accessories Dealer: or you may use this
detachable order form tu order direct-by-mail the
accessories listed here.
Detach and mail order form with credit card
information, money order, or check in U.S.
currency (made payable to Thomson Consumer
Electronics, Inc.) to this address:
RCA Video Accessories
PO Box 8419
Ronks, PA 17573
For more information on these accessories (or
current prices), write to the following address:
Video Accessories Customer Service
Thomson Consumer Electronics, Inc.
Distributor & Special Products
2000 Clements Bridge Rd
Deptford, NJ 08096-2088
This offer is valid only in the 50 United States. For
international orders, please send your request for
quotation (not an order) to:
International Customer Service
Thomson Consumer Electronics, Inc.
Distributor & Special Products
2000 Clements Bridge Rd
Deptford, NJ U.S.A. 08096-2088