5.3.4 Video Buffer .3.4 Video Buffer
Turn the Video Buffer function On / Off. The Video Buffer function makes the streaming more smooth in
unsteady network environment, but might cause a little delay in live viewing.
Turn the Video Buffer function On / Off. The Video Buffer function makes the streaming more smooth in
unsteady network environment, but might cause a little delay in live viewing.
5.4 Image Setup 5.4 Image Setup
The tool bar can be adjusted to optimize video Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Sharpness and
The tool bar can be adjusted to optimize video Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Sharpness and
5.4.1 Brightness
The value range is 0~99. The higher value the brightness is, the brighter the image is.
5.4.2 Contrast
The value range is 0~99. The contrast is a measure of a display system, defined as the ratio of white to
black that the system is capable of producing. The higher value the contrast is, the more delicate of color
you can have.
5.4.3 Saturation
The value range is 0~99. The saturation of a color is determined by a combination of light intensity and
how much it is distributed across the spectrum of different wavelengths. The higher value the saturation
is, the more colorful the image will be
5.4.4 Sharpness
The value range is 0~99. It applies image processing techniques to adjust the sharpness of live view.
However, the higher the value is, more the noise is.
5.4.5 Exposure
The value range is 0~99. The higher value the exposure is, the brighter the image is.
5.4.6 Default
After the adjustment of all setting, you can still click Default to make the setting back to the original