Vivotek ST7501 Security Camera User Manual

VIVOTEK - A Leading Provider of Multimedia Communication Solutions
30 - User's Manual
Full Screen: to maximize live video monitoring window to the whole screen
Click Full Screen
on the quick access bar or right-click the video cell and then check Full Screen
In addition, you can also click View > Full Screen on the menu bar to maximize the live video monitoring
To restore to the original layout, right-click a video cell and then uncheck Full Screen� You also can
click Esc button on the keyboard to leave the full screen mode�
Minimize: If you click View > Minimize on the menu bar, the LiveClient will minimize to the Windows
tool bar�
View Live Video with Dual Monitors
ST7501 also supports live video viewing with dual monitors, and you can manage up to 32
channels concurrently� Moreover, the layout of video monitoring window on different monitor can
be set up individually� Below we illlustrate the applications of dual monitors:
Please follow the steps below to set up dual-screen mode:
a� Set up dual monitors for your local computer�
b� Launch ST7501 LiveClient on monitor 1�
c� Click System > Second View on monitor 1, then the live video monitoring window will show up in
monitor 2 as below�
d� There are two ways to view live videos� One is to drag-and-drop the target device from the device
tree window to the video cells� The other is to click any video cell on monitor 1 or monitor 2, and then
double-click the target device; the live video will display in monitor 1 or 2 according to your choice�
e� If you click Switch Screen
on the quick access bar, the live monitoring window of monitor 1 and
monitor 2 will exchange with each other�
Monitor 1
Monitor 2