Vivotek ST7501 Security Camera User Manual

VIVOTEK - A Leading Provider of Multimedia Communication Solutions
User's Manual - 91
Select Log Category/Log Type/Log Level
Following is the relationship of log category, level, and type� The search results will vary
according to your options�
Search for All Local Logs
Log Categories Log Levels Log Types
Operation Log
Add User
Update User Name
Update User Password
Update User Privilege
Delete User
Insert Camera
Update Camera Information
Delete Camera
Set Digital Output
Manual Start Recording
Manual Stop Recording
Set Recording Group
Add Recording Schedule
Update Recording Schedule
Delete Recording Schedule
Save Layout
Update Layout
Delete Layout
Camera PTZ, Iris, Focus, Pan, Patrol Control
Click on Image
Select Preset Location
System Log High
Server Start
Server Stop
Event Log High
Camera Disconnected from the Server
Camera Connected to the Server
Camera Start Recording
Camera Stop Recording
Video clips ordering by time, no�1 is the latest
Log Time
Log Level
Search Result (Success or Fail)
Log Description
Log Category
Log Type
User Account (Who login the server)
Target Station
Click to remove all search results from the list