
Level 2 systems use up to nine matrix switching bays each
with the 2010PS Power Supply Module and either the 2010DB
or the 2010DBVL Data Buffer Module. Depending on the
configuration, either 2010R Standard bays or 2020R
Condensed bays are used in Level 2 systems. Level 2 systems
can consist of a maximum of 1024 video inputs as well as a
maximum of 32 video outputs (31 outputs if the 2010DBVL
module is used).
For a Level 2 system with Video Loss Detection capability, the
video output for monitor 32 is replaced by the Video Loss
Detection function in the 2010DBVL Module. Since each
2010DBVL can detect video losses for a maximum of 256
cameras, an additional 2010DBVL Module is required for each
block of 256 cameras. The camera bays that contain buffered
video outputs for monitors 17 through 31 would use a
2010DBVL-12, a 2010DBVL-22, a 2010DBVL-32 and a
2010DBVL-42 for each respective group of 256 cameras. In a
system that includes Condensed bays, the Condensed bay that
contains outputs 17 to 31 would use the 2010DBVL-00
Module. In a multi-bay system where the last bay contains
both camera modules and monitor modules, that bay would use
a 2010DBVL-00 module. Any bay that contains only monitor
modules uses the 2010DB, not the 2010DBVL Module.
LEVEL 2 - 64 X 32, One Bay System
The single bay Level 2 system uses one 2020R matrix
Condensed bay. From the rear of the bay, the modules are
installed at the factory in the following manner; the far right
module is the 2010PS; the next module is the 2010DB-00,
followed by one to four 2016AVIM-2 modules and one to four
2024VOM-1 modules, for outputs 17 to 32. The next modules
to the left are the one to four 2016AVIM-3 modules, followed
by the one to four 2024VOM-1 modules, for outputs 1 to 16.
Smaller matrices, such as those ordered with future expansion
in mind, may have fewer modules installed.
Data Interconnect: Connect a 75-ohm coaxial cable from the
DATALINE-1 output on the AD1024 CPU, to the Data IN
BNC on the 2010PS rear panel. Connect a 75-ohm BNC
terminator (supplied with the CPU) to the Data Out BNC on
Power Supply rear panel.
Video Input Connections: The 2016AVIM-2 is identified
with the camera input icon
The starting camera number for the particular VIM is located
at the top BNC. Each 2016AVIM-2 includes eight BNCs for
video input connections, a coaxial ribbon connector, labeled
OUT, for video interconnection, and one 16 conductor coaxial
video cable. See Figure 17, Video Input Module, page 8.
The 2016AVIM-3 is identified with the camera input icon. The
starting camera number for the particular VIM is located at the
top BNC. Each 2016AVIM-3 includes eight BNCs for video
input connections, two coaxial ribbon connectors, labeled IN
and OUT and one 75 ohm terminator. See Figure 18, Video
Input Module, page 8.
Connect one end of the supplied coaxial ribbon cable to the
coaxial ribbon connector labeled "OUT" of the 2016AVIM-2.
NOTE: Tighten the two connector screws alternately to
keep the connectors aligned. Tightening on one side only
may damage the connector. Alternate turns between each
Connect the other end of the coaxial ribbon cable to the coaxial
ribbon connector labeled "IN" of the 2016AVIM-3 following
the alternating turn method noted above. Place a 75-ohm
terminator (P/N 2016 TERM) in the coaxial ribbon connector
labeled "OUT" of the 2016AVIM-3. Continue in this manner
for each 2016AVIM pair. A pair meaning the upper and lower
halves of multiples of 16; for example, 1 to 8 and 9 to 16 being
a pair, 17 to 24 and 25 to 32 being a pair.
In succession, connect the video inputs to the 2016AVIM-2
and 2016AVIM-3 module pairs. Connect eight video inputs to
2016AVIM-2 and the next eight video inputs to 2016AVIM-3.
Continue in this fashion until all video inputs are connected.
Unused video inputs do not require any external connection or
termination, and may be left open.
Video Output Connections: Each 2024VOM-1 has a rear
panel with 16 BNCs. The left most module is assigned to
outputs 1-4. Moving left to right, the next module is for
outputs 5-8, the next module is for outputs 9-12, the next for
outputs 13-16. Continuing left, the next four positions are for
2016AVIM modules. The following four positions are for
video outputs 17-32. Connect the video outputs to any device
that accepts standard video such as monitors or video
In the Appendix, see Figure A6, 64 X 32, One Bay System.