3. Verify Internet browser security. Click menu “tools” and “Internet Options” . Continue click tab
on “Security” and press the button on “Default Level”. If your browser is being set into
“Medium”, then you may close all pop-up windows meaning you should be able to access
video without any blocking.
4. Verify ActiveX Setting : Click IE browser’s “tools” menu, and “internet Options”. Select
“Security” and click “Customer Level” then you should see “Security Setting” pop up. Please
verify the following ActiveX related are set accordingly.
a. “Download signed ActiveXcontrols” – Please set “Prompt”
b. “Download unsigned ActiveXcontrols” – Please set “Enable”
c. “Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe” – Please set “Prompt”
d. “Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins – Please set “Enable”
e. “Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting” – Please set “Enable”
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