D-Link DCS-5605/5635 Security Camera User Manual

66D-Link DCS-5605/5635 User Manual
Section 3 - Configuration
Click  on this screen to restore the factory default settings. After conrmation, the system will restart and require
the Setup Wizard SE program to locate the IP address of the DCS-5605/5635.
Clicking  allows
you to save a copy of the camera’s
current conguration to a location
which you specify.
If you have previously backed up
a your camera’s conguration, you
can restore it using this menu. Click
, and locate the le on your
computer. 
to restore the backup. This will erase
your current settings.
This option will reset the camera back
to its factory default settings. This will
erase your current settings.
Clicking this button will restart the
Save to Local Hard Drive:
Load from Local Hard
Restore to Factory Default:
Reboot Device: