The audio dubbing feature lets you record new audio (sound) on a previously recorded
tape without erasing the original video.
When you audio dub a tape, the previous audio is erased and replaced with new sound.
"AV DUT_N" 5wlt_
sound from the bUilt,in microphone and the AUDIO jack can be dubbed l
When dubbing audio from the bUilt-in microphonel Set !,AV OUT/IN,, Switch to "OUT" and
do not connect the ,!AUDIO,, jackl When dubbing audio from the !!AUDIO" jack; set the
!!AV OUT/IN,! switch to,IN,.
1. Insert a recorded tape. Be sure that the record safety tab is not missing.
2. Place "POWER" switch to "VIDEO" position.
3. Play the tape and press "REC/PAUSE" button where you want to dub audio.
The camcorder enters the still play mode.
4. Press "DUBBING AUDIONIDEO" and "PLAY" buttons at the same time.
"A.DUB I=" appears in the viewfinder.
NOTE: If ,,DUBBING AUDIONIDEO" and _PLAY,' buttons.are pressed twicel aUdio and
'video dubbing wi!! start. !n this casel press STOP!EJECT button t0 re!ease the dubbing I
5. Press "RECORD/PAUSE" button to start audio dubbing.
6. Press "STOP/EJECT" button to stop audio dubbing.
NOTE: If counter memory !'M, appears in the Viewfinder the tape stops automatically at
the reading of !!0000, and audio dubbing stops I