Advanced recording
White balance is the camera’s ability to make different types of lighting
appear natural. The active white-balance mode is displayed in the white-
balance panel on the monitor.
Auto white balance - to automatically detect the type of light and adjust the white
balance accordingly. When the built-in flash is used, the white balance is set for the
color temperature of the flash. Simply set the white-balance dial to the AWB position.
Custom-white-balance function allows the camera to be
calibrated to a specific lighting condition. Three setting can be
stored in the camera.
With the white balance dial in the custom position, press the
white-balance button to open the setting screen.
Custom White Balance
If the set option was selected, the red custom setup indicator
is displayed on the monitor.
Fill the spot metering area with a white or neutral object; the
object does not need to be in focus. Press the shutter-release
button to calibrate the camera.
On the register-selection screen use the control dials or
left/right keys of the controller to select the custom white-
balance register in which to store the setting; any previous
setting is replaced. Press the central button of the controller to
complete the operation.
Turn the white-balance dial to the appropriate position.
Preset white balance - to set the white balance to a specific light source.
Custom white balance - to calibrate the camera to a specific lighting situation.
With the white balance dial in the PWB position, press the
white-balance button to open the setting screen.
The front control dial and the left/right controller keys select
the preset white-balance setting.
The rear control dial and the up/down controller keys adjust
the white balance in seven levels: +3 to –3 (+4 to –2 for
fluorescent). Except for fluorescent, the change of one unit is
approximately equal to a 10 mired shift.
Press the central controller button to complete the operation.
For information on light sources, see page 81.
Color temperature - to set the white balance to a specific color temperature.
Preset White Balance
PPrreesseett wwhhiittee bbaallaannccee
::sseell.. ::aaddjj.. ::eenntteerr
CCuussttoomm wwhhiittee bbaallaannccee
::sseelleecctt ::eenntteerr
The control dials and the left/right controller keys select a
previous custom setting stored on register 1, 2, or 3, or the set
option to calibrate the camera.
Press the central controller button to apply a custom register
setting or continue the calibration routine.
SSeelleecctt rreeggiisstteerr
::sseelleecctt ::eenntteerr
Custom registers