
IISSOO bbuuttttoonn sseett IISSOO
110000 11660000
IISSOO mmeennuu sseettuupp
MM sseett bbuuttttoonn
CCuussttoomm rreesseett
SShhuutttteerr lloocckk OOnn
00..33ss.. ddiissppllaayy
AAuuttoo rroottaattee
AAFF aarreeaa sseettuupp
MMoonniittoorr ddiisspp..
RReecc.. ddiissppllaayy
AASS ffi
innddeerr ddiisspp..
CCttrrll ddiiaall sseett
EExxpp.. ccoommpp..
CCttrrll ddiiaall lloocckk
EExxpp.. ccoommpp.. sseett
AAFF iilllluummiinnaattoorr
SSSS FF//nnoo..
PPrriioorriittyy sseettuupp AAFF
FFooccuuss hhoolldd
AAuuttoo AAFF sseettuupp AAuuttoo AAFF
AAEE hhoolldd
AAFF//MMFF bbuuttttoonn
AAEELL bbuut
AAFF ww// sshhuutttteerr
Custom menu
Use the left/right keys of the controller to highlight the
appropriate menu tab; the menus change as the tabs are
When the required menu section is displayed, use the up/down
key to scroll through the menu options. Highlight the option
whose setting needs to be changed.
Press the right controller key to display the settings; the current setting is indicated by
an arrow. To return to the menu options, press the left key.
Use the up/down key to highlight the new setting. If “Enter” is displayed, press the
central button of the controller to continue.
Press the central button of the controller to select the highlighted setting.
Once a setting has been selected, the cursor returns to the menu options and the new setting is
displayed. Changes can continue to be made.
The custom menu controls operation preferences. See page 91 on how to open the custom menu.
To set AF or shutter-release priority (p. 94).
To set the operation of a lens’ focus-hold button (p. 94).
To set the operation of the AEL button (p. 95).
To set AF with the shutter-release button (p. 95).
To set the operation of the Auto AF focus mode(p. 96).
To set the operation of the AF/MF button (p. 94).
To specify exposure control with the control dials (p. 96).
To assign exposure comp. to the control dials (p. 96).
To specify flash output with exposure comp. (p. 97).
To turn the AF illuminator on and off (p. 97).
To lock the control dials before AF and AE (p. 97).
To lock the shutter when no lens is mounted (p. 97).
To control the viewfinder AF-area illumination (p. 98).
To set the recording display orientation (p. 98).
To turn the Anti-Shake scale on and off (p. 98).
To control how the monitor is turned on and off (p. 98).
To switch between ISO and Zone Matching (p. 99).
To set the ISO range (p. 100).
To reset the custom functions (p. 101).
To select between memory and menu shortcut (p. 100).