The control dials can move the cursor in the menus. The
front dial moves the cursor up and down. The rear dial
moves it left and right.
Camera Notes
LLCCDD bbaacckklliigghhtt 55 sseecc..
33 mmiinn..
RReesseett ddeeffaauulltt ––
PPoowweerr ssaavvee
DDeelleettee ccoonnff..
CClleeaann CCCCD
FFiillee ## mmeemmoorryy OOffff
SSttdd.. ffoorrmm
FFoollddeerr nnaammee
SSeelleecctt ffoollddeerr
NNeeww ffoollddeerr
LLCCDDbbrriigghhttnneessss ––
DDaattaa ssttoorraaggee
DDaattee//TTiimmee sseett ––
TTrraannssffeerr mmooddee
VViiddeeoo oouuttppuutt
AAuuddiioo ssiiggnnaallss
Setup menu
Use the up/down key to highlight the new setting. If “Enter” is displayed, press the
central button of the controller to continue.
To set monitor brightness (p. 104).
To specify camera operation with a computer (p. 104).
To switch video output between NTSC and PAL (p. 105).
To set the menu language (p. 106).
To activate file number memory (p. 107).
To select the folder name format (p. 108).
To create a new folder (p. 109).
To select the destination folder for recorded images (p. 108).
To set the camera’s clock and calendar (p. 107).
To reset camera functions (p. 112).
To change or turn off audio signals (p. 106).
To set the auto-power-save period (p. 109).
To specify monitor backlight illumination period (p. 109).
To memorize the last menu section opened (p. 110).
Read cleaning instructions before using (p. 145).
To change the confirmation screen’s default setting (p. 110).
Use the left/right keys of the controller to highlight the
appropriate menu tab; the menus change as the tabs are
When the required menu section is displayed, use the up/down
key to scroll through the menu options. Highlight the option
whose setting needs to be changed.
Press the right controller key to display the settings; the current setting is indicated by
an arrow. To return to the menu options, press the left key.
Press the central button of the controller to select the highlighted setting.
The setup menu controls camera operation. See page 91 on how to open the setup menu.
Once a setting has been selected, the cursor returns to the menu
options and the new setting is displayed. Changes can continue
to be made.