The control dials can move the cursor in the menus. The
front dial moves the cursor up and down. The rear dial
moves it left and right.
Camera Notes
FFllaasshh mmooddee FFiillll--ffllaasshh
FFllaasshh ccoonnttrrooll AADDII ffllaasshh
PPoowweerr rraattiioo 11//11
BBrraacckkeett oorrddeerr
IInnsstt..PPllaayybbaacckk 22 sseecc..
SSeettuupp IImmaaggee && iinnffoo..
NNooiissee rreedduuccttnn OOnn
IImmaaggee ssiizzee LL:: 33000088xx22000000
QQuuaalliittyy FFiinnee
CCoolloorr mmooddee NNaattuurraall:: ssRRGGBB
DDiiggiittaall FFXX ––
Use the left/right keys of the controller to highlight the
appropriate menu tab; the menus change as the tabs are
Recording menu
In recording mode, press the menu button to open and close the menu. The four-way keys of the
controller and the control dials move the cursor in the menu. Pressing the central button of the
controller enters a setting.
When the required menu section is displayed, use the up/down key to scroll through the
menu options. Highlight the option whose setting needs to be changed.
Press the right controller key to display the settings; the current setting is indicated by
an arrow. To return to the menu options, press the left key.
Use the up/down key to highlight the new setting. If “Enter” is displayed, press the
central button of the controller to open the next screen.
Press the central button of the controller to select the highlighted setting.
Once a setting has been selected, the cursor returns to the menu options and the new setting is
displayed. Changes can continue to be made. To return to the recording mode, press the menu
Activate the recording menu with the menu button. Tab 1 at the
top of the menu is highlighted.
To set image resolution (p. 66).
To set file type and compression (p. 66).
To set the flash mode of the built-in flash (p. 71).
To set automatic or manual flash control (p. 75).
To reset the recording-mode functions (p. 70).
To set and start the interval recording mode (p. 78)
To set exposure bracketing parameters (p. 70).
To play back images after they are recorded (p. 77).
To select color mode and color space (p. 68).
To apply noise reduction to long exposures (p. 77).
To set flash bracketing parameters (p. 70).
To set the order of the bracketing frames (p. 70).
Contrast, sharpness, saturation, and hue controls (p. 69).
To set manual flash output (p. 76).
To set the instant playback format (p. 77).