
Installing Nikon Capture 4 Under Windows
2.3.6 — Choose default color management settings
To use the color-space profi le embedded in images opened in Nikon Capture 4, choose (A)
Use the color space of the fi le to be opened as the working color space. To choose a
default RGB color-space profi le for the work ing color space in Nikon Capture 4, choose (B)
Always use the default RGB color space as the work ing color space. When this option
is se lect ed, you can choose the default color-space profi le from a pull-down menu. Click OK
to put changes into effect and proceed to the next step.
Clicking About Color Spaces displays a description of the different color-space profi les. Use
this ex pla na tion to help you choose a color-space profi le.
The default output color-space profi le can be changed at any time after installation in the
Color Man age ment tab of the Nikon Capture 4 Editor or Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control
Preferences dialog.