
Device Registration: D2-Series/D100/D70/COOLPIX-Series Cameras
Windows Millennium Edition (Me)
The following explanation uses D100 as an example.
After in stall ing Nikon Capture 4 and re start ing
the com put er, con nect your cam era to the
com put er us ing a USB ca ble and turn the
cam era on. The cam era will be registered
au to mat i cal ly.
Follow the in struc tions below to check that the camera has been cor rect ly reg is tered with the
Step 1
Right-click the My Computer icon on the
desk top. Open the Sys tem Prop er ties dialog
by se lect ing Properties from the menu that
ap pears. Click the Device Manager tab.
Before Connecting the Camera
Be sure to install Nikon Capture 4 before con nect ing your cam era to the com put er.
Step 2
After confi rming that Disk drives, Stor age
de vice, and Universal Se ri al Bus con-
trol lers are listed in the De vice Manager tab,
click the plus sign (+) next to each of these
device types.