
Click OK to close the System Properties window. Device registration is now complete.
Step 2
The Device Manager sheet will be displayed.
Af ter confi rming that “Nikon 1394 Pro to col
De vice” is list ed in the Device Manager, click
the “+” sign to its left.
If no “Nikon 1394 Pro to col Device” listing ap-
pears or if
“NIKON D1X” (or “D1” or “D1H”)
is listed un der Other Devices, reinstall the
de vice driv er as instructed in “Reinstalling the
Device Driv er”
If “Nikon 1394 Protocol Device” is not listed in the Device Manager and “NIKON D1X” (or
“D1” or “D1H”) is not listed under Other Devices, disconnect the camera, and restart the
com put er. When the computer has restarted, reconnect the camera to the computer.
Step 3
After confi rming that “Nikon Digital Camera
D1 Series” is listed under “Nikon 1394 Protocol
De vice,” double click the listing to open the
Prop er ties win dow.
Step 4
The Nikon Digital Camera D1 Series Prop er ties
di a log will be displayed. Click the Gen er al
tab and confi rm that “This device is work ing
properly” ap pears under “Device status.”
Click OK.