Release Mode
To choose a release mode, press the release
mode dial lock release and turn the release
mode dial to the desired setting.
Choosing a Release Mode
Mode Description
Single frame: Camera takes one photograph each time shutter-
release button is pressed.
Continuous low speed: While shutter-release button is held down,
camera records photographs at the frame rate selected for Custom
Setting d2 (Shooting speed, 0 318) > Continuous low-speed
(0 112).
Continuous high speed: While shutter-release button is held down,
camera records photographs at the frame rate selected for Custom
Setting d2 (Shooting speed, 0 318) > Continuous high-speed
(0 112). Use for active subjects.
Quiet shutter-release: As for single-frame except that noise is reduced by
disabling beeps and minimizing sound produced when mirror drops
back into place.
Beep does not sound when camera focuses
regardless of setting selected for Custom Setting d1 (Beep; 0 318)
and mirror does not drop back into place until shutter-release button
is returned to halfway position after shooting, allowing you to delay
noise made by mirror.
Mirror is quieter than in single-frame mode.
Self-timer: Use self-timer for self-portraits or to reduce blurring
caused by camera shake (0 114).
Mirror up: Choose this mode to minimize camera shake in telephoto
or close-up photography or in other situations in which the slightest
camera movement can result in blurred photographs (0 116).