The following Custom Settings are available:
Custom Setting
Custom settings bank 305
a Autofocus
a1 AF-C priority selection 307
a2 AF-S priority selection 308
a3 Focus tracking with lock-on 309
a4 AF activation 309
a5 Focus point illumination 310
a6 Focus point wrap-around 310
a7 Number of focus points 311
a8 Assign AF-ON button 311
a9 Assign AF-ON button (vert.) 312
a10 Store points by orientation 312
b Metering/exposure
b1 ISO sensitivity step value 313
b2 EV steps for exposure cntrl 313
b3 Exp./flash comp. step value 313
b4 Easy exposure compensation 314
b5 Center-weighted area 315
b6 Fine-tune optimal exposure 315
c Timers/AE lock
c1 Shutter-release button AE-L 316
c2 Standby timer 316
c3 Self-timer 317
c4 Monitor off delay 317
d Shooting/display
d1 Beep 318
d2 Shooting speed 318
d3 Max. continuous release 319
d4 Exposure delay mode 319
d5 File number sequence 320
d6 Viewfinder grid display 321
d7 Control panel/viewfinder 321
d8 Screen tips 321
d9 Information display 322
d10 LCD illumination 322
e Bracketing/flash
e1 Flash sync speed 323
e2 Flash shutter speed 324
e3 Optional flash 324
e4 Exposure comp. for flash 325
e5 Modeling flash 325
e6 Auto bracketing set 325
e7 Auto bracketing (Mode M) 326
e8 Bracketing order 326
f Controls
f1 Multi selector center button 327
f2 Multi selector 328
f3 Assign Fn button 328
f4 Assign preview button 333
f5 Assign sub-selector 333
f6 Assign sub-selector center 333
f7 Assign Fn button (vert.) 334
f8 Shutter spd & aperture lock 334
f9 Assign BKT button 335
f10 Customize command dials 336
f11 Release button to use dial 337
f12 Slot empty release lock 338
f13 Reverse indicators 338
f14 Assign multi selector (vert.) 338
f15 Playback zoom 339
f16 Assign movie record button 339
g Movie
g1 Assign Fn button 340
g2 Assign preview button 341
g3 Assign sub-selector center 342
g4 Assign shutter button 343
Custom Setting