Olympus C-4000 ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

Chapter 3
Tabs & MODE MENU functions (shooting) (Cont.)
CARD tab
CARD SETUP Formats cards. P. 139
Sets the record mode resolution. P. 102
WB Sets the appropriate white balance according P. 109
to the light source.
Lets you make fine changes to the white P. 112
balance manually.
SHARPNESS Adjusts the sharpness of images. P. 113
CONTRAST Adjusts the contrast of images. P. 114
SATURATION Adjusts the level of color depth without P. 115
changing tint.
Lets you shoot from as close as 2 cm to your P. 90
subject (super macro mode).
PANORAMA Allows panorama pictures to be taken with P. 96
Olympus CAMEDIA-brand cards.
2 IN 1 Combines two pictures taken in succession P. 98
and stores them as a single picture.
FUNCTION Lets you shoot pictures in black & white or P. 100
sepia tone.
AF AREA Lets you change the position of the AF target P. 62
mark using the arrow pad.
INFO Changes the amount of shooting information P. 155
displayed on the monitor.
Displays a histogram showing the brightness P. 157
and contrast of the subject in your monitor.