Olympus C-4000 ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

Chapter 4
Shooting mode setting Mode dial (Cont.)
Shooting modes
P Program shooting
Allows you to take still pictures. The camera sets aperture and shutter speed.
Other functions, such as flash modes and drive modes, can be adjusted
A/S/M/ Aperture priority/Shutter priority/Manual/My mode
For details on which shooting modes are selectable when the mode dial is set
to A/S/M/ , refer to the previous page.
A Aperture priority shooting
Allows you to set the aperture manually. The camera sets the shutter speed
automatically. By decreasing the aperture value (F-number), the camera will
focus within a smaller range, producing a picture with a blurred background.
Increasing the value forces the camera to focus over a wider range in the
forward and backward directions, resulting in a picture in which both the
subject and the background are in focus.
~ “Aperture setting” (P. 53)
Aperture (F-number) is decreased. Aperture (F-number) is increased.