Olympus C-4000 ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

Zoom — Telephoto/Wide-angle shooting ..............................73
Digital zoom 74
Flash shooting ......................................................................75
Auto-flash 75
Red-eye reduction flash 75
Fill-in flash 75
Flash off 76
Slow Synchronization SLOW1, SLOW2, SLOW 76
Using the slow synchronization flash SLOW 78
Using the flash 78
Flash intensity control 81
Advanced shooting 82
Metering modes — Metering the subject brightness ..................82
Spot metering — Selecting the metering area 82
Multi-metering — Metering the exposure of more than
one point in the frame 83
AE lock — Locking the exposure ......................................86
Macro mode shooting — Taking close-up pictures ..............89
Super macro mode ..........................................................90
Self-timer shooting ............................................................91
Sequential shooting................................................................92
Sequential shooting & AF sequential shooting 92
Auto bracketing — Shooting pictures sequentially with a
different exposure for each frame BKT 93
Panorama shooting................................................................96
Taking two-in-one pictures 2 IN 1............................................98
FUNCTION — Taking black & white or sepia-toned pictures....100
Chapter 4
Chapter 5