Olympus C-4000 ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

Using the menus 38
What are the menus? ............................................................38
How to use the menu ............................................................39
Modes & short cut menus ......................................................41
Tabs & MODE MENU functions (shooting) ..............................42
Tabs & MODE MENU functions (playback) ............................45
Shooting basics 47
Shooting mode setting — Mode dial........................................47
mode setting 47
mode setting 48
Shooting modes 49
Aperture setting — Aperture priority shooting 53
Shutter speed setting — Shutter priority shooting 54
Aperture & Shutter speed setting — Manual shooting 55
Using My Mode 56
How to use the shutter button ................................................57
Focusing ..............................................................................58
Auto focus 58
When Auto focus does not work
— Subjects that are difficult to focus on 58
Focus lock — Focusing on subjects that are
not in the center of the frame 59
AF MODE — Changing the focus range 60
FULLTIME AF — Continuous focusing on moving subjects 61
AF AREA — Changing the position of
the AF target mark 62
Manual focus 63
Taking still pictures ..............................66
Taking still pictures while using the viewfinder 66
Taking still pictures while using the monitor 68
Recording movies ............................................................71
Chapter 3
Chapter 4