Olympus C-4000 ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

Chapter 4
Focusing (Cont.)
How to shoot while keeping the same focus distance at all times
TThe MF can be locked at the same length as when you perform focus
1 Focus on anything within the AF target mark. Press the shutter
button halfway to lock focus.
2 Without letting go of the shutter
button, hold down . The focus
distance screen appears. On the
screen, MF is selected and the
focus distance is the same as when
you performed focus lock.
Since the area you are focusing on
is enlarged while you hold down ,
you can check the image area that
the camera actually records.
Although MF is selected and the length indicator reaches the top of
the bar, focusing is not possible at
TAdjust by moving
Ññ slightly while watching the monitor.
Although the focus distance is saved, the picture goes out of focus.
TIf the zoom lever is pressed after manual focus setting, the saved
focus distance may be changed. Try setting again.
Manual focus is not available in the mode.