Olympus C-4000 ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

Chapter 5
Working range
Normal : 80 cm to
(2.6 ft to )
Macro : 20 cm to 80 cm (0.6 ft to 2.6 ft)
Factory default setting: Digital ESP
Macro mode shooting
Taking close-up pictures
Focusing is usually slow when you get close to a
subject. However, in the mode focusing is
performed quickly. The (macro) mode allows
you to shoot close to the subject (within 20 cm – 80
cm (0.6 ft – 2.6 ft)). When the zoom lever is
pressed to the maximum W position, you can fill
the entire frame with your subject.
If the center of the frame (within the AF target
mark) is metered when you are close to the subject
and you shoot with the optimal exposure, the
picture will turn out well (Spot metering+ Macro
~ “Spot metering” (P. 82).
If you are close to a subject, the picture area in the
viewfinder is different from the picture that the
camera actually records. For macro mode
shooting, we recommend using the monitor (P. 68).
Mode dial
Press the button repeatedly until
(macro mode) or (spot
metering+macro mode) appears.
The monitor turns on automatically.
The indications change as follows (if all
modes are available):
If is not pressed within 2 seconds
after the selection screen is displayed, the
selection screen disappears.
Take a picture.
Normal shooting
With the macro mode
(Digital ESP)
When selecting
Macro mark