Recording Configuration
ON/OFF – Enable or disable recording on individual camera channels.
SIZE – 352 × 240 / 704 × 240 / 704 × 480. [Resolution]
FPS – 1~30 [Recording Images Per Second]
QUALITY – Low / Normal / High
INTENSIVE – ON/OFF [Intensive Recording on sensor or motion event]
Note When a motion or sensor event occurs, INTENSIVE RECORDING automatically increases the recording rate to
the maximum FPS that is available (based on your current recording configuration frame rate) up to 30 FPS per
channel. If events occur on multiple channels with intensive recording enabled, the available FPS is evenly
distributed across those channels.
PREALARM – 0~5 seconds [Pre-Alarm Recording]
POSTALARM – 0~30 seconds [Post Alarm Recording]
USED FPS – Displays the images per second (FPS) currently used, and the total available FPS. EHV models have up to a
maximum of 480 FPS.