Preparing the computer
(scanner mode)
In addition to the accessories provided in the product package,
the following are required to use the scanner in scanner mode.
■ Hardware requirements
• CPU: Intel Celeron 733MHz or better
• Main memory: minimum of 256MB
• Hard disc space: minimum of 400MB
• SCSI card and SCSI cable, or Hi-speed USB2.0 interface port
• Display: Minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768 (XGA)
• If you are not sure about the system requirements,
contact an authorized Canon dealer or your com-
puter manufacturer' s support center.
• If your CPU, memory or SCSI board does not meet
the recommended specifications, you may experi-
ence problems such as slow scanning or a slow data
transfer rate.
• Even if your computer meets the above require-
ments, slow scanning may occur depending on the
scanner settings.
■ Operating system requirements
Depending on the connection, operating system requirements dif-
fer as follows:
• When using a SCSI card:
• Microsoft Windows 98SE
• Microsoft Windows Me
• Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional SP4 or later
• Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 or later
• Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition SP2 or later
• When using a USB connection:
• Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional SP4 or later
• Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 or later
• Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition SP2 or later
The scanner does not support USB connectivity with
Windows 98SE and Windows Me. Use a SCSI con-
nection instead.
MS 300_english.p65 07.5.14, 10:1420