If you detect a problem during operation of the main unit, check
the list of problems and possible solutions below.
Problem Solution
Screen does not come on, even after turning • Check that the lamp unit is properly fitted into the main unit.
on the power switch. • Check whether the lamp has burned out. When the lamp is
burned out, “LP” appears on the Error/User Mode display. If the
lamp has burned out, fit a new lamp. (➞P.42 “Replacing the
The screen brightness is uneven or the • Check the lens and make sure it is clean. (➞P.44 “Routine clean-
screen is too dark. ing”)
• Check the lens and make sure it is securely installed. (➞P.17
“Preparing the lens”)
• Check the lamp and lamp unit and make sure both are installed
securely. (➞P.42 “Replacing the lamp”)
• Check the setting of the Light Adjustment dial and make sure it
is set correctly for the type of lens installed. (➞P.17 “Preparing
the lens”)
Image is out of focus. • Rotate the focus fin on the lens to adjust the focus. (➞P.34 “Ad-
justing the image”)
• Check the lens and make sure that it is installed correctly.
• Check the carrier and make sure that it is installed correctly. For
details, read the instructions you received with the carrier.
• Check the lens and lamp and make sure they are clean. If re-
quired, clean the lens or lamp.
Image is skewed. • Rotate the rotation fin on the lens to adjust the image. (➞P.34
“Adjusting the image”)
• Check the carrier and make sure that it is installed correctly. For
details, read the instructions you received with the carrier.
Splices are seen on the image after a few scans. • This is one of the specifications to complement insufficient per-
formance of a currently connected computer. Upgrade the com-
puter performance to ease this phenomenon.
• System resource or work memory of the computer is insufficient.
Close all applications and reboot the computer. When using the
MS300II, it is recommended that all other applications be closed.
After pressing the start key, scan will not start. • Check that the computer is switched on and has started up
• If the display shows a User Call Error, look it up in the table.
(➞P.47 “User call errors”)
• If the display shows a Service Call Error, look it up in the table.
(➞P.48 “Service Call Errors”)
MS 300_english.p65 07.5.14, 10:1446