D-Link DCS-6620G Digital Camera User Manual

DCS-6620G User’s Manual
D-Link Systems, Inc.
Using the DCS-6620G with an Internet Browser
Configuration > Tools > System (continued)
Adjust the date and time according to what is entered by
the administrator. Notice the format in the related field while
Synchronize with the NTP server over the Internet whenever
the DCS-6620G starts up. It will fail if the assigned timeserver
cannot be reached.
Assign the IP address or domain name of the timeserver.
Leaving the text box blank will let DCS-6620G connect to
default time servers.
Used to adjust the hour of timeservers for local settings.
Keep current date and
Synchronize the date and time of DCS-6620G with the local
computer. The date and time of the PC is displayed and
updated in the DCS-6620G.
Sync with computer time:
Click to save the current date and time of DCS-6620G. An
internal real-time clock maintains the date and time even
when the power is off.
NTP server:
Time zone:
Click Apply to make
changes effective