Q: Why can I not take or delete pictures with the SD memory card
in the locked position?
A: When the SD memory card is in the locked position, it protects
the images on the card. You cannot delete files from or add files to
the SD memory card until you slide the lock switch on the card to
the unlock position.
Q: Why is there a delay when taking a picture with my digital
A: There is a delay while the digital camera auto focuses on the
subject. The camera also analyzes whether the flash is required and
changes other automatic settings. There are other factors that can
contribute to this delay. For example, low batteries may cause the
camera to operate slower, or the subject may be moving.
Some steps to help shorten the time delay are:
■ Steady the camera
■ Gently press the shutter button half way down to auto focus the
subject. This activates the auto focus and checks the condition of
the flash. When your subject is ready, take the picture.
Q: Why is there a delay before I can take another picture after I push
the shutter button?
A: There are several reasons for the delay. The camera must:
■ Set the focus, exposure time, white balance, and other settings.
■ Charge the charged-coupled device (CCD) imager. The camera
cannot hold the charge for long, so it does it right before you snap
the picture.
■ Copy the image out of the CCD into random access memory
■ Compress the image into a smaller, more memory-space efficient
format, such as .JPG.
■ Write the image to the SD memory card.