
Reference—Optimizing Images
Controlling Vividness: Saturation
Saturation controls the vividness of colors.
Camera automatically adjusts saturation according to subject. For best
results, use type G or D lens.
Normal vividness. Recommended for most situations.
Reduced vividness. Use when taking pictures that will later be re-
touched by computer.
Increased vividness. Use for vivid, photoprint eff ect when taking pic-
tures that will be printed “as is,” without further modifi cation.
Controlling Color: Hue Adjustment
Hue can be adjusted in the range of about –9 ° to +9 ° in in cre ments of 3 °. If red
is taken as the start ing color, raising hue above 0 ° (the de fault set ting) would
introduce a yel low cast, mak ing col ors that would be red at a setting of 0 ° ap pear
in creas ing ly or ange. Low er ing hue be low 0 ° would in tro duce a blue cast, mak-
ing col ors that would be red at a setting of 0 ° appear in creas ing ly pur ple.
The RGB color model used in digital photographs re pro duc es colors using diff er ing
amounts of red, green, and blue light. By mixing two colors of light, a variety of diff er ent
colors can be pro duced. For example, red combined with a small amount of green light
produces orange. If red and green are mixed in equal amounts, yellow re sults, while
a smaller amount of red produces a yel low green. Mixing diff er ent amounts of red
and blue light pro duc es col ors rang ing from a red dish purple through pur ple to navy,
while mixing diff erent amounts of green and blue light produces col ors rang ing from
em er ald to turquoise. (Add ing a third color of light results in lighter hues; if all three
are mixed in equal amounts, the results range from white through gray.) When this
pro gres sion of hues is ar ranged in a cir cle, the re sult is known as a color wheel.